How does Online MBA compare with a regular MBA?
There is no difference in the MBA’s whether or not it is delivered online or in a classroom setting. Online University design all of its courses using traditional college textbooks that are used at most US based institutions. During the course approval process, all courses are reviewed by subject matter experts who reside at other colleges and universities throughout the
Most of the
How well is the University recognized?
Students develop a relationship that is a one on one with the University, its staff and the faculty. The instruction is individual and students can contact faculty at anytime. Faculties are required to respond to all student inquiries within 96 hours, but most respond quicker. Student can contact staff during regular business .Inquiries after hours will be responded to the next day
Certainly I do acknowledge the fact that Indian Institute of Technology/Indian Institute of Management in
How enriched/good is the content of the program?
The content is up to date and relevant. Courses are reviewed annually and updated with the latest materials, when necessary.
Students should expect to spend between seven and ten hours a week per course. Students who find that they have taken on too much course work have several options
They can drop any course within the first three weeks of the semester without a penalty
Students can take an incomplete grade on a course and finish the following semester as long as they complete at least 50% of the course by the time the semester ends
Typical courses have a midterm and final (although some graduate courses may have projects/papers in lieu of exams). Exams are proctored using a webcam with a service called ProctorU
What kind of case studies will be dealt with? How recent and relevant are they?
Most courses at the graduate level include case studies that are relevant. Courses are reviewed every year and update when necessary. Most courses will include case studies that have occurred within the prior three years (2006 and later)
Can u throw some light on the assignment to be submitted and the timeliness?
Most courses have ten lessons. Student should expect to complete a lesson every ten days. Students must submit at least one assignment per work. At this rate, a student can expect to study seven to ten hours per week, per course.
How long one can pursue a semester? Is there an upper limit to complete one semester? Two, how does re examination work out?
Our semesters are 16 weeks. If a student completes their coursework prior to the 16 week semester, they are welcome to begin a new semester.
The re-examination question should be a separate FAQ. All students are required to pass their midterm and final exam to pass the course. If the student fails an examination, they will be contacted within two business days by Student Services that they have failed the examination and she will include a Request for Reexamination form. They have 15 business days to submit the Request for Reexamination form and their $30 fee; however, they have until the end of the semester to retake the exam. The exam remains the same.
Do let us know about the courseware? Is it accessible online or I will be shipped the required courseware. Do I need to pay additionally apart from the regular fees? If so, what is the additional cost involved?
Textbooks are the student’s responsibility to purchase. I will provide the ISBN number for their materials so they can order from any source. Also they are readily available in all the leading book stores in